Your journey begins here!
Applying to Birmingham-Southern College is quick and easy! 您可以使用365英国上市官网的在线申请,通用申请或联盟申请进行申请.
Application Information
Application Deadlines
Early Decision: November 1 (notified by November 15)
Early Action: November 15 (Notified by December 15)
Regular Decision Priority: February 1
Transfer Deadline (Fall): July 1
Transfer Deadline (Spring): November 15
如果您在过去两年内开始申请平衡记分卡,请填写此表格 reactivation form instead of starting a new application.
What about fees?
The 365英国上市官网 online application is always free!
Application Portal
已经开始申请流程的学生可以查看他们的 application portal to view application status and pay enrollment deposit.
Application Process & Requirements
applying to college doesn't have to be complicated. 我们使申请过程简单易行,无论你在你的学术旅程.
Standard Application
•High school transcript
•ACT or SAT test scores
•250-500 Word Essay (Optional)
•Academic Letter of Recommendation (Optional)
Test Optional Application
•High school transcript
•250-500 Word Essay
•Academic Letter of Recommendation (Optional)
Apply Now!
•The 365英国上市官网 Application
•The Common Application
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Deadline Explanations
Early Decision
Early Decision 对于那些决定将伯明翰南方大学作为第一选择的学生来说,是否有一个有约束力的入学计划. 通过提前决定录取计划录取的学生需要取消其他申请并注册365英国上市官网. 学生只能申请一个有约束力的提前决定机构. Decisions of admit, defer, 或拒绝将于11月16日发布,学生需要在1月15日之前提交押金. You must submit the Early Decision Agreement Form at time of application to be considered for this decision plan.
Early Action
Early Action 是否有一个不具约束力、不受限制的录取计划,允许学生在大四的时候提前申请并收到录取决定. 我们的目标是在12月16日之前公布录取、推迟或拒绝的决定. 通过早期行动录取计划录取的学生将在5月1日之前在即将到来的班级中预订一个名额.
Regular Decision
Regular Decision 非约束性和无限制的入学计划是否允许学生有更多的时间来完成申请. 学生将在3月1日前收到录取通知. 通过常规录取计划录取的学生将在5月1日之前预订新班级的名额.
Students are welcome to apply after February 1. 这些申请将在可用空间的基础上进行审查.
What's Test Optional?
We would love to share more information about this with you. Contact us today!
Application Components
High School Transcript
我们需要你的高中成绩单或自我报告的成绩来审查你的申请. 如果你有一份非正式的副本,你可以通过电子邮件或上传到申请门户网站. 在入学时,我们将需要一份显示你毕业日期的正式成绩单.
ACT or SAT Test Scores
想提交ACT或SAT考试成绩作为申请的一部分吗? Great, you can email, 从考试机构发送或上传你的成绩到你的申请门户吗. 把你所有的成绩寄给我们,因为我们会为你提供最高的考试成绩,以获得奖学金.
Don't have a test score? No problem, you can apply test optional. 如果你申请可选考试,你不会在申请或奖学金审查过程中处于不利地位.
作为申请的一部分,论文可以帮助我们更多地了解你是谁,以及你是如何组织你的想法和观点的. 虽然只要求考试选修申请者,但我们会阅读提交的每一篇文章. 文章长度为250-500字,并回答以下问题之一:
1. Some students have a background, identity, interest, 或者天赋如此重要,以至于他们认为没有它,他们的申请将是不完整的. If this sounds like you, please share your story.
2. 我们从遇到的障碍中吸取的教训可能是日后成功的基础. Recount a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure. 它对你有什么影响,你从中学到了什么?
3. 回想一下你质疑或挑战某个信念或想法的经历. What prompted your thinking? What was the outcome?
4. 描述一个你已经解决或想要解决的问题. It can be an intellectual challenge, a research query, an ethical dilemma — anything of personal importance, no matter the scale. 解释它对你的重要性,以及你采取或可能采取哪些步骤来确定解决方案.
5. Discuss an accomplishment, event, 或者是激发了一段时间的个人成长和对自己或他人的新理解的意识.
6. 描述一个你觉得很吸引人的话题、想法或概念,让你忘记了时间. Why does it captivate you? What or who do you turn to when you want to learn more? -
Academic Letter of Recommendation
你可以提交学术推荐信作为申请的一部分,向招生委员会提供关于你的额外信息. 有时候招生委员会可能会问这个问题,不要惊慌. 只要让老师或辅导员告诉我们你能给我们的学术团体带来什么.
有时,作为申请过程的一部分,招生委员会会要求你与招生工作人员进行面试. The office will notify you if this is a requirement. 否则,我们的招生人员可以与您见面,分享更多关于伯明翰南方大学的信息.
Forms & Helpful Links for Applicants
我们知道填写表格和申请可能会让人有点不知所措, so we’ve tried to make it as easy as possible.
如果你仍然对课程要求有疑问,你可能需要查看通识教育的核心要求 365英国上市官网 College Catalog or course equivalents for Alabama community colleges. 也可以在入场时致电205/226-4696或发送电子邮件至 [email protected]. We want to make this process easy for you!
Financial Aid
Financial Aid Resources -更多关于学费、杂费和经济援助资源的信息. -
Supplemental Forms
Online Deposit Payment - Pay enrollment deposit online.
Enrollment Fee Confirmation Form - Complete after you make your online fee payment.
Application for Readmission - Printable Form
Transient Student Certification Form - Printable Form -
Confirmation of Enrollment Deposit Information
这300美元的押金将确认你在伯明翰南方学院的入学. 在收到订金和所有确认表格后,我们才会处理您的入学确认. This deposit is non-refundable.
Click here to enter our secure online payment site.